Convention thanx

nw-mailing-list at nw-mailing-list at
Sat Jul 17 16:07:01 EDT 2004

Dear fellow N&W lovers:
Just wanted to second Mr. Robinette's sentiments in thanking y'all for the
fine convention this year. It was great to see old, and new, friends. This
was our 3rd year, and we were impressed with the programming, events,
exhibits, tours, heck, even the vittles were great. It was awesome to see my
beloved Pulaski District displayed in color on the wall of the Va. Division
dispatcher's center. Shaffer's X'ing was also cool, to see the garden tracks
where the roundhouse once stood. Also, it's hard to top "turning" a tour
bus. I only hope that SRR modernized heavyweight coach we saw at Shaffer's
will one day find its way to VMT. Again, great work for a volunteer group.
I've paid more for far less at "professionally" produced events. Hope y'all
can finally get some rest.
Thanks again to all who worked to make it happen. The kids are anxious
already to go next year; that's high praise IMHO.

Andre Jackson and/or Lisa Burrows
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