1908 - More Retrenchments

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at nwhs.org
Thu Jan 31 12:55:13 EST 2008

Roanoke Times - January 29, 1908

More Retrenchments

All sorts of reports and rumors have been afloat in the city as to
further retrenchments by the Norfolk and Western Railroad.
On report has it that the wages of the entire force would be reduced ten
per cent. In reply to a question as to whether or not this report is true,
and official of the company said that he had received no notice of any such
reduction and that while he had not heard that any such action was
contemplated, he did not know what the future might develop. The action of
certain roads, he said, in cutting wages ten per cent was very apt to bring
the matter to the attention of other roads, and there was of course at all
times the possibility of such a policy being imitated. He had not, however,
received the slightest intimation that the Norfolk and Western was
considering such a step.
A second report had it that the East End shops would be closed for an
indefinite period, and that all the necessary repair work would be done at
the West End shops. A reporter of The Times asked several officials of the
road whether or not this report is true, and he could gain no definite
information. It is certain that some kind of a conference was held this
morning by certain officials in reference to the matter, but what decision
was reached, could not be ascertained.
It is reported at the shops that the men will work only two days this
week, Monday and yesterday, making only sixteen hours. One of the employes
of a certain department stated yesterday that so far this week he had made
only ten hours, or five hours for each day. He said that up to dinner time
no notice had been posted, but that he had been told that the men would
work only two days this week. He declared that the situation was one of
great anxiety for the employes of the road, as they did not know that bad
news to expect and that the general situation did not seem to promise them
any improvement in the immediate future.
It is said that some of the men had nothing to do at the shops and will
have to their credit this week only one day of eight hours.


- Ron Davis, Roger Link

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