Charles McCluer, Telegrapher at Central Depot, V&T RR, 1855-1857

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Fri Apr 20 06:49:53 EDT 2018

Attached is a two page PDF taken from Telegraph Age, vol. 27, June 1,
1911.  It is an article sent in by a man who had been a V&T telegrapher at
Central Depot (later called East Radford) from 1855 to 1857.

I ran across the article while doing research on the monument erected at
Turner (now Harriman,) New York, in 1911, commemorating the 60th
anniversary of the first Train Order.  The writer, C.E. McCluer of Norfolk,
had, before hiring on the V&T,  been a telegraph operator on the Erie RR
and worked for Charles Minot, the Superintendent who issued the first Train
Order.  Mr. McCluer wrote Telegraph Age, giving his memories of Mr. Minot.

The editor states,  "According to records on file in our office...," and
then gives Mr. McCluer's biography, which indicates McCluer was a member of
the Old Time Telegrapher's Association.  That Association was organized in
1880 and was only open to men who had been in the telegraph service in
1875, or before.  The group disbanded in 1934, account depletion of its
membership ranks, and all their files and artifacts were donated to the
Edison Institute Museum in Dearborn, Michigan.  Most of the members had
been military telegraphers during the War Between the States, which is
probably the reason Mr. McCluer was in the organization.

When you read the article, you will see that McCluer had an "interesting
life," to say the least.

-- 73 SW &

(abram burnett)

                  Sent to You from my Telegraph Key
Successor to the MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH LINE of 1844

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