How Much Traffic on the VGN Narrows-Roanoke ?

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at
Tue Sep 12 22:26:32 EDT 2023

Everyone loves the Virginian.

So can anyone post a little synopsis of how much traffic, and of what kind, is moving these days over the VGN between Narrows and Roanoke?

I am just wondering if all this eastbound traffic will someday be moved via the "Christiansburg side," once the VGN is turned over to the state. My bet is that no one knows, even the planners in At-lan-tuh.

I can remember when there were 22 (and sometimes 24) assigned pool crews in the Roanoke-Bluefield Slow Freight Pool, and those crews worked every single day.  That equates to about 11 coal trains a day coming east, and about 11 empty trains a day going west.  78 was light and fast and often ran via Christiansburg, and 84 did the same occasionally.  All other eastbound freights ran the Wooden Axle.

-- abram burnett

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