Annual membership meeing - June 15th, 2024 - Proxy requested if you cannot attend the annual N&W HS Membership Meeting

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at
Sat May 11 22:48:05 EDT 2024

Dear N&W HS Member:

The Norfolk & Western Historical Society (N&WHS) will have an in-person annual membership meeting on Saturday, June 15th, 2024.  If you are unable to attend, I request that you submit a proxy for this important meeting.

Submitting a Proxy for the N&WHS Annual Membership Meeting:

Each year, the management of the N&WHS gives members who are unable to attend the annual membership meeting the chance to participate in Society business.  The Directors and Officers accomplish this through the solicitation of a proxy for any member who cannot attend the membership meeting.  While we would rather have you attend the annual membership meeting, we know that many members cannot attend this important event.
	A proxy allows you to express your desires and participate in the decisions the membership makes.  A proxy permits someone you designate to act on your behalf, if necessary, at the Annual Meeting. This year, the proxy will authorize Kenneth L. Miller, Secretary, to act on your behalf as you designate on the proxy.
	The solicitation of a proxy is routine in the governance of a corporation and the N&WHS follows this process.  I encourage you to complete the proxy below and mail or email it so that we can hear your voice at the membership meeting.  To be effective, your proxy must be in the Secretary’s hands by June 7th, 2024.

Thank you,

Frank R. Scheer
Board Chair
Norfolk & Western Historical Society



KNOW ALL MEN BY THEIR PRESENTS, that I, the undersigned member of the N&WHS, Incorporated, do hereby appoint Kenneth L. Miller as my true and lawful attorney and agent, with the power of substitution, for me and in my name to vote at the Annual Meeting of the members of said corporation, to be held in person on Saturday, June 15th, 2024, or at any adjournment or adjournments thereof, for the following:

Election of all nominated Directors:
For ___
Against ___
Withhold ___

For any other business which may come before the membership.
For ___
Against ___
Withhold ___

By-Laws Change: The N&WHS President shall have the authority to authorize expenditures not to exceed $5,000 for any individual procurement action.
For ___
Against ___
Withhold ___

If you execute this proxy without checking any of the boxes, you authorize Kenneth L. Miller to vote “For” the items listed.

Name: _______________________________________

eMail Address:  _______________________________________

Telephone Number:  _______________________________________

Please add mailing address or other corrections below.

Signed (typed name in lieu of handwritten signature if returned via email):

______________________________________ Date:  ______________________

Instructions for return of proxy form:  Please return your proxy statement by June 7th, 2024, via email or letter mail to:

Ken Miller
miller at
N&W Historical Society
PO Box 13908
Roanoke VA  24038

Kindly include your email and telephone number plus any other contact information updates in your reply.   If you include updates with a proxy form, you do not need to send this information to the Society address.
Ron Davis is chair of the 2024 nominating committee for the Board of Directors (BOD).  All members are eligible to serve as one of the directors during two years between January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2027.  An individual may nominate themselves or another member but must check with the other member to confirm that they are willing to serve if elected.  Please send your nomination(s) by June 7th, 2024, via email or letter mail to:

Ron Davis
davis at
N&W Historical Society
PO Box 13908
Roanoke VA  24038

A nomination should include a short summary about the person.  Please include background (for example work experience), capabilities (such as knowledge of using Excel spreadsheets), and vision for the Society.
The BOD will nominate and vote upon N&WHS officers during its June 13th, 2024, Directors’ meeting.  The officers will be selected from the membership in good standing to fill these positions for a one-year term:
	President
	Vice-President
	Secretary
	Treasurer

The newly elected officers will replace the present officers effective June 15th, 2024.  An existing officer may continue to serve if voted into that office during the June 13th, 2024, Directors’ meeting.   The N&WHS particularly needs dedicated persons willing to carry the foundation forward by serving in these critical positions.

Best wishes,

Frank R. Scheer
Board Chair
Norfolk & Western Historical Society

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