Huckleberry Youtube video

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at
Mon May 27 13:11:00 EDT 2024

 From my days in the call office as I recall the first out cab on the 
sheet was called for the run.  The next out cab was called to deadhead. 
   The deadhead cab would have been ahead of the working cab that would 
have been on the rear of the train.  The deadhead crew got paid but 
would not necessarily had to have 8 hours rest as the deadhead time 
could be considered part of their rest time. Since their rest time most 
likely was met by the time their cab reached destination that could be 
immediately called upon reaching destination.

Actually both answers are correct and both are wrong.

Jim Blackstock

On 5/27/2024 9:49 AM, NW Mailing List wrote:
> On 5/26/2024 1:01 PM, NW Mailing List via NW-Mailing-List wrote:
>> Usually the "first out" crew did all the work and the other 
>> (conductor and brakemen) was just along for the ride.
> Tim,
>     Correction, the first out crew was "deadheaded", second crew did 
> the work.
> Jimmy Lisle
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