611 and 1218 Bells

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at nwhs.org
Wed Jul 10 09:21:23 EDT 2024

Good morning list,

When I first watched footage of 611 and 1218 in excursion service I didn't
think much about what their bells sounded like. However, after listening to
N&W audio from the late 1950s and comparing the sounds, I was shocked by
how different they sounded between the two eras. It actually took me a
while to realize that the bells 611 and 1218 were wearing at the time were
indeed their bells from the N&W days. Does anyone know what happened to the
two locos' bells to make them sound so different from how they did in the
'50s? Were they just that worn out after years of static display? Were
there any attempts to make them sound better during the restoration
process? I'm fascinated by little details like these.


Eli Santin
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