Zoom presentations

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at nwhs.org
Fri Jul 12 09:12:19 EDT 2024

On August 27, I will be making a presentation at the O. Winston Link Museum about my experiences with him and as author of STEAM, STEAM & STARS.  That may be something that N&WHS may want to piggyback onto.
Tim Hensley

    On Friday, July 12, 2024 at 08:06:28 AM EDT, NW Mailing List <nw-mailing-list at nwhs.org> wrote:   

 In the continuing effort to make our presence more widely known through our YouTube channel, Dr. Frank Scheer has  graciously offered to present his convention clinics as Zoom meetings that can be recorded and posted to the channel.  We would like to invite you to join those Zoom meetings to give a little more "conventiony" feel with some questions from the audience.  Tentatively we are aiming for July 27 or 28 in the early afternoon, say 2:00pm.  The first talk will be on the N&W's Railway Post Office activities and equipment.We would also like to solicit others who could give presentations, either new or ones you may have given in the past to let us know what you would like to do.  If there are enough interested presenters, this could turn into a regular (quarterly or even monthly) activity.  Note that such presentations do not have to be in the form of Zoom meetings.  If you would like, you could just record them and send in the video file for posting.Please let us know if you have any questions, and more importantly, what you might be willing to do in the way of helping get the word out about our society.Sincerely,Jim Cochran________________________________________
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