Virginian (NW/NS) Roanoke South Yard

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at
Sat Jul 13 19:25:47 EDT 2024

Why no trains or cars stored at South Roanoke ...?

If the yard is placed out-of-service, they eliminate the cost of track and switch inspections. As I recall, Main Tracks have to be patrolled twice a week, and yard switches have to be inspected once a month. And the Signal Department also has to do switch obstruction tests and inspection of IJ's (insulated joints) and fouling wires on any switches in signaled territory, monthly, as I seem to recall. (Usually the Signal Maintainer and the Track Patrol will agree to meet and do both the M/W switch inspection and the Signal Department tests at the same time.) In any case, it is all time, and time equates to money. I have now been away from this craziness for a blessed 14 years, so don't take the above numbers to the bank without double-checking them.

What I want to know is: Where is the NS hiding all the thousands upon thousands of hoppers which used to be kept busy running up and down the main line, making money? Are they all jammed in derelict, forgotten places like the Bluestone Branch? Decades ago, when business grew slack, the yards filled up with un-needed equipment. But they are not stuffing it in the yards any more. Just look at the satellite images of Roanoke, Mullens, Bluefield &c. Those places are, as my father would ahve said, "As clean as a chicken bone after the Methodist preacher came for dinner ! "

Are they dumping ANY coal at Lambert's Point, any more ?

Wonder how long it will be before the accountants figure out they can "enhance shareholder value" by selling the Lamberts Point acreage for the development of a shopping mall, or condo's ?  Or put a large Electric Vehicle Re-Charging station there... HA.  I bet the Navy would be happy to get it.

-- abram burnett
Cynical Turnips

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