Early Engine Frames: Forged or Cast ? (NW Mailing List)

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at nwhs.org
Thu Jul 25 13:01:07 EDT 2024

To my knowledge loco frames were never forged.

"Forging is the manufacturing process of hammering, pressing or rolling 
metal into shape. This is either delivered from a hammer, press or die. 
It is essentially the art of heating and working hot metal to design or 
shape that is fit for a specific purpose or use." www.somersforge.com

The largest loco part I've seen forged are side and main rods. A frame 
would be too large to 'work' under a hammer or press. A fabricated frame 
would be comprised of steel that had been forged at the manufacturing 
mill, but the frame itself would not be forged.

I believe all NW loco frames were fabricated until loco #1200 rolled out 
of East End Shops in May 1936 using a cast steel frame with cylinders 
and other parts integral. The first Y6 with a cast steel frame rolled 
out in September of that same year. And the rest is history!

Hope this helps.   John Garner, Newport, VA


When the Roanoke Machine Works ("Roanoke Shiops") built its first 
engines, were the frames forged, or cast?

If forged, when was the conversion made to cast frames?

-- abram burnett,
         Recycled Turnips

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