Walthers PS 10-6 Sleeper

NW Modeling List nw-modeling-list at nwhs.org
Fri Nov 6 16:13:28 EST 2009

I just got an email from Walthers. I had been in contact with them concerning the approaching HO model of the RF&P PS 10-6 model. I asked if they could also do them as N&W S-2 sleepers (Sussex County, Buchanan County & McDowell County) and the 3 L&N cars in the same plan 4140 series.
They said their marketing & research dept didn't see any need for these paint schemes.
I had planned to buy 4 or 5 and paint them myself for the N&W and a couple RF&P cars but would prefer to buy them RTR from Walthers. If anyone else would like these cars to be made available from them I would suggest you email, call or write and ask that they be made. Perhaps the marketing & research dept would make us happy!
Roger Huber

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