[412-public-news] Youth Jobs deadline and a big story request from Mark at Rauterkus.com

Mark Rauterkus mark.rauterkus at gmail.com
Thu Jun 4 14:52:03 EDT 2020

Hi Friends and Fellow Travelers in these times of Protests and a Global

CYBER SWIM CAMP as part of Pittsburgh Public Schools Summer Dreamers should
deliver 27 days of literacy, math and swimming -- all from the comfort of
your living room. All virtual.

HELP! This is my call to you and yours -- as we want to have "STORY TIME"
as part of our CYBER SWIM CAMP for 4th and 5th graders. I hope to collect
30 or more, 5-minute stories with something to do about water.

Can you share a story, please?

Story should have a start, middle and end. Use your phone record it. Don't
need any slides, just a story that can keep the attention of the students
and be a launch point for more discussions about vocabulary, challenges,
water, safety, fun, by-gone days, whatever.

Example stories are assembled at https://S6.CLOH.org/category/story

Deadline for families in the city schools to apply for that program (up to
grade 5) is pressing in the next hours.

- - - -

Youth in Pittsburgh and Allegheny County have one more day to finish their
applications for the job program targeted to income qualified
individuals giving 6 weeks of work at 25-hours at minimum wage. Age range
is 14-21. Deadline pushed to June 6, 2020.

The number of applications might be at an all time low as it has been hard
to reach and obtain the applications to work from the students without
school visits.


I was hoping to get some youth, especially athletes, interested in work
with me and my digital projects with publishing content on swimming,
sports, fitness and wellness at web pages, their own sites, collaborative
concept maps, and more. https://Earn.CLOH.org.

Lifeguard training should be in high gear, but we all know that's off for
now. As guard and training opportunities arise, I'll post at
https://Guard.4Rs.org, or email me.

Without swim pools, many turn to OPEN WATER SWIMMING. See my feature for
the International Swim Coaches Association.

Primary election day and a peaceful protest merged this week. Its been 19
years since I was first on the ballot as a candidate for mayor. Short
reflections on Facebook <https://Facebook.com/rauterkus>or at

Please stay safe this summer.

Call or email if you want help in getting us a recorded story.


Mark Rauterkus       Mark at Rauterkus.com
Webmaster, International Swim Coaches Association, SwimISCA.org
Executive Director of SKWIM USA, a 501(c)(3)
The Pittsburgh Project - swim coach and head lifeguard
Coach at The Ellis School for Swimming, T&F and Triathlon
Pittsburgh Combined Water Polo Team & Renegades (Masters)

http://CLOH.org <http://cloh.org/>

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