[412-public-news] My dad died a year ago. This gift to you is shared in his memory.

Mark Rauterkus Mark at rauterkus.com
Thu Nov 11 16:14:38 EST 2021


It was one-year ago when my dad passed away and my new e-book, just
uploaded, is dedicated to him, and it awaits your download, gratis.

Readings from the Book of Coach Mark

Dad was really social, and so am I. But in recent times, forced to isolate,
there haven't been any invitations to events to share with you. So, I'm
inviting you to share in this book instead.

If you are a reader and can check it out and offer some advice, guidance,
suggestions -- I'd be grateful.



Mark Rauterkus       Mark at Rauterkus.com
Webmaster, International Swim Coaches Association, SwimISCA.org
Coach at The Ellis School for Swimming
Pittsburgh Combined Water Polo Team & Renegades (Masters)

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