[game_preservation] Bay Area presentation on preserving digital artifacts, GDC update.

Simon Carless simon at archive.org
Sun Feb 13 02:29:21 EST 2005

*Hey all,

For those in the area:


The Computer History Museum is doing a panel talk on the 23rd February 
called: 'From Gutenberg to Galaxy: Accessing Cultural Assets Online'. 
The line-up includes Rick Prelinger of the Prelinger ephemeral film 
archives, and Henry Lowood of Stanford, both of whom, like me, are 
affiliated with the preservation efforts at the Internet Archive, but 
also do a bunch of other stuff, heh.

Also, for those going to Game Developers Conference in San Francisco in 
early March, there will be an IGDA roundtable on preservation (repeated 
twice), chaired by myself:


I'll introduce things by discussing what _has_ happened in the past year 
(the setting up of at least the skeleton version of this SIG, the now 
3,000-movie strong Internet Archive Game Videos collection, the 
continuation of great Amiga game archiving work by CAPS Project, etc.), 
and also what hasn't happened - which is also quite a lot, too. And then 
we can continue discussing what _needs_ to happen.

[For those wondering why things have been a little quiet, my dayjob work 
has expanded quite a lot, since I'm now Editor overseeing both Game 
Developer magazine and Gamasutra.com, and helping curate the audio and 
video uploads on the Internet Archive (which includes the Game Videos 
Archive) swallows up most of my non-work time.]

In any case, please feel free to mail me offlist with suggestions as to 
what you'd like to see discussed at the GDC roundtable - and please pop 
along and say hi if you're at GDC.

Thanks again,

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