[game_preservation] Another source of ancient literature

Captain Commando evilcowclone at gmail.com
Wed Apr 9 00:47:13 EDT 2008

I don't recall if this was on the resource list, but here is an archive
containing dozens of old Atari books.


It looks like most of the material here is information on how to program
Atari software and other things that you might say are now 'obsolete' and
therefore of little use. From the preservation side of things, they've got
the text of David Ahl's two BASIC Computer Games books, which include a
complete set of code for 202 games written in BASIC (there's two books :) So
that's essentially a good portion of what we need to preserve those!

It's gonna take awhile to dig through all of these to see what does what and
what's relevant, but most of what I've looked at hasn't been of much
interest to my current research pursuits.


The sleep of Reason produces monsters.

"Until next time..."
Captain Commando
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