[game_preservation] Videogame collector vs. Videogame investor

Andrew Armstrong andrew at aarmstrong.org
Sat Apr 12 18:40:13 EDT 2008

Interesting little read, that in the eyes of the IRS in America, a
collector of videogames with a organised collection could be called a
videogame investor, and get tax benefits of a kind.


I wonder how organisations and museums which collect videogames like it
is suggested in the article are classified, heh. I suppose it's the same
as most archival stuff, since they're not individuals. This is
interesting non-the-less, although the point about not playing the games
your buying and selling seems odd :) (you're a collector if you play
games, but a investor if you just buy and sell them eh?)

I also never knew of the site before, and I'll make a note on the
up-and-coming videogame collector guide/info page I've setup.


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