[game_preservation] SIG Icon and theme

Andrew Armstrong andrew at aarmstrong.org
Tue Dec 2 04:20:41 EST 2008

Okay, so the slide cover - I'll do a copy with the "full thing". I used
this as a source btw:


Adding in the "disk protect" and making the slide thing go down to the
bottom might not look too good since I wanted to keep the pixels large
so it scaled down well, we'll see how it goes.

As for a 5.25 one, I guess I can do one of those. I wanted to do a
monochrome image (which might not work too well for the 5.25"), but I'll
see what I can come up with (just remember the label is that much
smaller sadly) I'll use this as a source:


Any other requests? (joysticks? any source pictures?) And if the
pixel-man isn't any good, any ideas for a better one?


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