[game_preservation] Developer Interviews

Alan Au aau at alum.mit.edu
Mon Mar 10 20:08:32 EDT 2008

Hi All -

Sorry I haven't been very active with the preservation SIG lately. Anyhow, I spotted a piece on the RockPaperShotgun site today that talks about Warren Spector having recorded some interviews with various industry luminaries, and the problem that the videos had disappeared due to a clerical mixup. (http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/?p=1253) I was thinking it might worthwhile trying to maintain a mirror of that content, in case it should disappear again. That is, we still sort of take for granted that devs are easily accessible, but as evidenced by the recent discussion about memorials, it might be worthwhile archiving some of their thoughts on how the industry has evolved. Just my $.02.

- Alan

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