[game_preservation] [Monthly SIG Updates] October 2008

Andrew Armstrong andrew at aarmstrong.org
Wed Oct 1 13:50:03 EDT 2008

October has been a month of back-end work for me and others. Someone
started the Whitepaper brainstorm, which I've yet to add mine and
Devin's comments too. We'll hopefully see it updated more this month!

Preservation SIG Updates

In September the main update will have been the Contributions
page (I might rename it shortly), encompassing a grand total of 6 (yes,
six!) different organisations who might be willing to accept your old
videogame material, especially developer items. I'm trying to search
further afield (such as Asia, the rest of Europe, and so forth) - if you
can translate any language into English and be a go-between, or know of
/any/ possible archive or museum outside of the USA and the UK, please
please contact us since this is really something I'd like to complete
this century!

Secondly, the Whitepaper
has got off to a start - and yes, I've not had the time just yet to
update it with my contributions or Devin's who have sent it to me, but
I'll try and get that done this month. Henry said he'll have a look at
it too, so hopefully we'll get going somewhere. If anyone has any off
hand contributions to make, add them to our mailing list.

Thirdly, the Memorials project has an entry for Laura_Geneder

On the Internet Archive <http://www.archive.org/details/gamevideos>
front, I've uploaded some interesting bits and pieces, as has the
Virtual Worlds project <http://www.archive.org/details/virtual_worlds>.
See new interviews <http://www.archive.org/details/game_interviews>
(such as pre-current generation console launch interviews with the big
3, and WillTV
for some Will Wright philosophy) and videogame footage
<http://www.archive.org/details/gamefootage> (the entire collection of
Pure Pwnage
the Red Alert Cutscenes
<http://www.archive.org/details/Red_Alert-Cutscenes> and other bits and

October Preservation SIG Work

The whitepaper still needs brainstorming. Anyone who has a thought to
add, please do so. I'm still working out how best to update the
information lists we have, and might resort to doing it on a proper
database rather then the wiki. In addition, if I can get further museums
added for the contributions page we'll try and get it launched at some
point as a resource point for advocacy!

Mailing List Discussions

If you've not joined our mailing list
<http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/game_preservation>, please do
so. We've never tried using our forums it seems :) we stick to
old-fangled email. September has been pretty dead, apart from Devin
posting up a proposed entry for the new IGDA Journal
which he requests comments for. It's a worthwhile project, so put your
input in while you can.

Preservation SIG Blog Updates / Links

Note: Have I missed anything? Then email it in. I really should get a
"Preservation newsdesk" email setup, there's a lot more I simply don't
know about which I keep missing. If anyone wants to help with the blog,
you can become a blog editor by contacting us! This is all the updates
not included in the previous newsletter (most recent first):

* Complete History of Kirby

* Gameplayer "The Complete History Of..."

* Hybrid IBM/C64 Diskette Found

* PDP1 Spacewar!

* Infocom's Numbers Graphed, Curmudgeonly

* A Short History of Game Manuals

* Infocom's All-Time Sales Numbers Revealed

* Grand Theft Auto For Intellivision

* Nintendo Calendar

* 'Lost' Virtual Boy Cache Found in Dubai

* Austin GDC UT Archive Material Display

* DK source code link

* Cloanto Releases Amiga Forever 2008 "RP2"

* The Worst Player in Video Game History

* Consoles of the '70s

* Author of PEDIT5 speaks out!

* Vintage Computer Festival East 5.0

* DigitPress Interviews Paul Allen Newell

* Update: the Archiving Virtual Worlds video collection

* The Classic Console & Arcade Game Show

* An Interview With a Collector on Selling His Collection

* The Legacy at RPS

* Pitfalls of DVD Collecting

* Nintendo Licensing

* Katsuya Eguchi on Animal Crossing

* EA Releases Red Alert for Free


A lot of work needs doing on the whitepaper, and possibly it'd be nice
to get more members even just posting on our mailing list - someone did
join this month
hooray! Perhaps we can double that figure next month.

Also; I will attempt to do some actual journalism regarding the various
museums and archives I can visit in the UK, certainly to add the
information to the wiki but also interview those involved if possible.
We'll see if I can get around to that this month.

Thanks all,

Andrew Armstrong

IGDA Game Preservation SIG Site/Blog editor

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