[game_preservation] [Projects] Videogame Museums, Archives, Displays and Collections (Information)

Andrew Armstrong andrew at aarmstrong.org
Thu Apr 30 11:25:32 EDT 2009

This is to discuss the project for collecting information and articles
about museums/collections etc., comments and interest are welcome:

* *Title:* Videogame Museums, Archives, Displays and Collections
* *Purpose:* In depth reference pages for museums, archives and
collections of videogames and computers, past and present.
Contains information on what is in a collection, how it is
accessed (if at all) by historians, how to donate, and where it is
located. Will also include yearly updates collected from each
organisation for ongoing information. Will also include
information on displays of videogames in non-videogame museums.
* *Lead:* Andrew Armstrong
* *Started:* N/A

I'm personally gathering some questions to ask, and have already
collected a fair bit of recent info from various museums on the
donations list. The information is intended to be in-depth, ie; not just
a paragraph per location, but a proper recording of the efforts of the
people working on this! While I'd be putting it up in English, this is
one area that would really be worth translating, so translators will be
really welcome here.

I'll be eventually formatting pages, laying out the basic required
information, as well as a way to move through a museums/collections
history - so it can be updated at least yearly - would be helpful.

Suggestions on questions to ask in an interview with the organisations,
and what information would be useful for developers, and what would be
useful for preservationists and historians, would be a good idea.

Displays can also be listed, I think, since they are important to record
- who ran them, why, what was in the display, where it was from, and so

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