[game_preservation] DiGRA Games Preservation panel draft

Dan Pinchbeck Dan.Pinchbeck at port.ac.uk
Wed Mar 18 03:48:24 EDT 2009

hi Devin

Yeah, hopefully - it's difficult because we have to focus quite tightly for these to fly as academic papers. If it gets accepted though, I think we should talk to the organisers about adding some posters to that session with more info on projects, or even put together a handout containing details of as many pres. projects as we can for participants to take away...

There aren't any registration fees up yet, but for reference, the 2007 conference clocked in at 217pounds / 233euros / 304USdollars for IGDA members, so it'll probably be somewhere around that figure



Dan Pinchbeck
Advanced Games Research Group
School of Creative Technologies
University of Portsmouth, UK


>>> Devin Monnens <evilcowclone at gmail.com> 18/03/09 2:33 AM >>>

Wow, looks like a great panel! I've been interested in going to DiGRA, but
my employer doesn't exactly pay me to attend conferences. They don't know
what they got and the State sure won't let them open their eyes...

I sure hope you're going to be giving coverage of more than just
preservation projects in Europe. Libraries and archives of videogames have a
poor tendency of not communicating with each other.


On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 4:17 PM, Andrew Armstrong <andrew at aarmstrong.org>wrote:

> We've finalised the white paper, I'm just waiting on word from Henry it's

> being printed (just in case he finds last minute errors) so I can put it

> online. We can edit this for the event sure.


> Just on the first comment - hyperbolic? nah - it is pretty massive - it

> doesn't really matter if the physical tapes and cartridges are stored away

> (although this is important), give it a few years and we'll basically be

> clawing at anything with 1's and 0's on from the early days to just get it

> copied onto newer media. Certainly in my lifetime I know that much :)


> In any case, the proposal looks good from my read of it. Of course you

> should chair it, it's all your work.


> I need to know roughly - do you know how much it will cost? (I don't have

> an institution to pay for this - the IGDA certainly can't, but I can save up

> some money if given an estimate). Also, if I am (and only if I am) the only

> paper writer who is able to attend DiGRA, I'll present that one, but I'm

> neither currently an academic or practised speaker, so eek! (Someone else

> from the paper please come, hehe :) ).


> Andrew


> Dan Pinchbeck wrote:


> Dear all,


> Firstly, many thanks to everyone who has contributed to this. I'm attaching a draft version of the panel proposal for the 2009 DiGRA conference. At the moment, I've left everyone's names on for reference, these will be removed before submission.


> Can you please read through and get back to me with any feedback, corrections or suggestions so I can implement them before submission.


> The submission deadline is 17th April, but if we can get it off before then, it would clear a space on my desk!


> In the case of the IGDA paper, should the panel be accepted, there would be a need to edit the white paper to fit the proper format and focus it towards an academic publication. I'm happy to help out with this of course. We'd also need to decide who from the SIG would present this paper at DiGRA (as there is a cost attached in terms of conference attendence which an institution would normally cover). I'm assuming at this point I'd chair the session - if that's not acceptable, please speak up now, throw your own hat in the ring, offer bribes and blackmail and so on. I'm not proud :)


> Thanks again,


> Dan


> Dan Pinchbeck

> Advanced Games Research Group

> School of Creative Technologies

> University of Portsmouth, UK

> www.thechineseroom.co.ukwww.keep.port.ac.uk


> ------------------------------


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