[game_preservation] Before It's Too Late: A Digital Game Preservation White Paper Released

Andrew Armstrong andrew at aarmstrong.org
Tue Mar 24 02:53:03 EDT 2009

The 2008 white paper is now complete, titled Before It's Too Late: A
Digital Game Preservation White Paper:


You can download it on that page, and find the link to Lulu for print
copies. Make sure to spread this far and wide, feedback is welcome too,
especially if we can improve anything for the next white paper.

As I said in the news post:

This is aimed at saying exactly why game history needs preserving, what
needs preserving, and what you can do to help preserve game history!
Spread this to anyone who is a developer or who is interested in
videogame history.

Many thanks to Henry Lowood for leading the project and the contributors
Andrew Armstrong, Devin Monnens, Zach Vowell, Judd Ruggill, Ken
McAllister, Rachel Donahue, Jon-Paul Dyson, Stuart Feldhamer and Jo Barwick.

Look out for our next white paper looking at the best practices for game
preservation coming in 2010!


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