[game_preservation] [Projects] Emulator Information

Dan Pinchbeck Dan.Pinchbeck at port.ac.uk
Fri May 1 04:15:02 EDT 2009

Funny you should mention this - we've got a small list of available emulators already (x86 and C64) and it's on my to-do pile to bulk it out with some more... will send a bigger list through once we've got it together...

cheers all


Dr Dan Pinchbeck
Advanced Games Research Group
School of Creative Technologies
University of Portsmouth, UK


>>> Andrew Armstrong <andrew at aarmstrong.org> 30/04/09 4:06 PM >>>

Please put forward any comments, or if you want to help on this project:

* *Title:* Emulator Information (Emulators)
* *Purpose:* Articles and information on emulators, who makes them,
who plays them and what ones exist for different computer systems.
Information on what companies use them, what funded projects have
worked on them and so forth would also be useful.
* *Lead:* /None/
* *Started:* N/A

This requires a similar set of work as the collectors, except it is a
very, very small amount of people involved in making emulators, and
finding them (some don't go online much funnily enough) is difficult.
Some major projects, however, that spring to mind are MAME and SCUMMVM
that need some investigation.

Funded projects that spring to mind are KEEP, as well as emulation work
at the University of Tokyo. Commercially there is also a subset of
industry dedicated to this (WiiWare, Xbox 360 ports, retro collections
which all use emulation).


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