[game_preservation] Monthly update coming...soon

Andrew Armstrong andrew at aarmstrong.org
Thu May 7 06:41:44 EDT 2009

There is very little on the comparison of old games. A lot of things
are, like you said, just "Making Of", not "What happened when it was
actually made and released" - there is usually a little "why" in making
of's but not much.


Devin Monnens wrote:

> Actually, what I meant was that as far as I'm concerned the story

> behind Spacewar! has been told already so I often expect very little

> from history pieces beyond the Leonard Herman article (which was in

> Supercade). I feel most histories tend to simply be chronicles of how

> something was made or ultimately a list of works (Steve Kent's book is

> more interesting in the origins chapters not from what is being said

> but who is saying it and more importantly /how /they're saying it).

> Because gamers often have no memory or recollection of the past (as in

> 'anything they haven't played'), it's very common for information to

> suddenly appear and be presented as 'brand new!!!' when people have

> actually known about it for years (often without regard for those

> sources). Nostalgia articles, if they're good, capitalize on the

> memories of gamers by revisiting them and hopefully providing

> something new (though often in the way of valorizing the game).


> I tend to think more in-depth history is about asking questions and

> giving us new ways of interpreting the past. So I would see a

> comparison of Spacewar! and Pong as doing something new rather than

> just retelling old stories.


> Then again, my interests have made me somewhat pessimistic and

> eccentric. I'm afraid that has turned me into something of a salty critic.


> -Devin


> On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 2:50 PM, Henry Lowood <lowood at stanford.edu

> <mailto:lowood at stanford.edu>> wrote:


> Ouch, that hurt, Devin! I just completed an article for IEEE

> Annals in the History of Computing on the relationship between

> Spacewar! and Pong. Actually, there isn't much out there on

> Spacewar! A helpful piece in Edge recently was the piece by

> Leonard Herman (though, look hard for the attibution) on Ted Dabney.


> Henry


> Devin Monnens wrote:

>> Edge has a Making of Spacewar article? Is that original or is it

>> just a republication of the one in Supercade? That article has

>> been around in various forms for awhile, and of course there's

>> the old Stone article. I can't imagine there would be anything

>> new to say about Spacewar in a gaming mag that hasn't been said

>> already... That said, I still think there's more to say about

>> Spacewar, but it ultimately involves more research (hence my

>> interest in game software on mainframe computers :)


>> -Devin


>> On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 9:55 AM, Andrew Armstrong

>> <andrew at aarmstrong.org <mailto:andrew at aarmstrong.org>> wrote:


>> Yeah, some of those articles and others - such as Edge's

>> "Making of...Spacewar!" need to get added to the magical

>> database I'm creating, heh (well, that I'm still designing).

>> I don't want to post much more in the way of "articles on old

>> games" on the blog as I proposed before, unless someone is

>> able to help find them :)


>> Actually, it is worth discussing the games/articles on the

>> mailing list though. I should post up some of the more

>> interesting ones.


>> Andrew


>> Devin Monnens wrote:

>>> Well, it's end of the semester here, so things are kind of

>>> crazy. I did notice though there was an article on Rogue on

>>> Gamasutra:


>>> http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/4013/the_history_of_rogue_have__you_.php


>>> -Devin


>>> On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 2:39 AM, Andrew Armstrong

>>> <andrew at aarmstrong.org <mailto:andrew at aarmstrong.org>> wrote:


>>> The IGDA wiki is down, thus I've not been able to do the

>>> monthly roundup. Sorry about this!


>>> Remember though, there's plenty to discuss with the

>>> projects. We're kind of understaffed, it appears, since

>>> most don't have any active interest right now, or in

>>> fact any disinterest even. It seems I'll have to go out

>>> and find new members for some of them or start them myself.


>>> Andrew

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>>> --

>>> Devin Monnens

>>> www.deserthat.com <http://www.deserthat.com>


>>> The sleep of Reason produces monsters.

>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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>>> game_preservation mailing list game_preservation at igda.org

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>> --

>> Devin Monnens

>> www.deserthat.com <http://www.deserthat.com>


>> The sleep of Reason produces monsters.

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>> mailing list game_preservation at igda.org

>> <mailto:game_preservation at igda.org>

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> --

> Henry Lowood

> Curator for History of Science & Technology Collections;

> Film & Media Collections

> HRG, Green Library

> 557 Escondido Mall, Stanford University Libraries

> Stanford CA 94305-6004 USA

> http://www.stanford.edu/~lowood <http://www.stanford.edu/%7Elowood>

> lowood at stanford.edu <mailto:lowood at stanford.edu>; 650-723-4602




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> game_preservation mailing list

> game_preservation at igda.org <mailto:game_preservation at igda.org>

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> --

> Devin Monnens

> www.deserthat.com <http://www.deserthat.com>


> The sleep of Reason produces monsters.

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


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> game_preservation mailing list

> game_preservation at igda.org

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