[game_preservation] Women composers

Andrew Armstrong andrew at aarmstrong.org
Fri Jul 23 07:47:57 EDT 2010

Yeah, this can apply to many areas of games - although it is odd how
music/composition is picked out, probably because there simply is a
distinct lack of most /any /old programmers or designers (of videogames
I mean; software engineering had some). Artists get a few from
memory...but still...

The Women in Games group might know more, there are an odd few
international people for other countries too if we wanted to follow this
up a bit and try and find these composers and ask them!

Exporing this area would take a while (actually would take more time
then we have to do everyone who has ever worked on a game...maybe we
should start biographies and interviews as well as obituaries!) but
would be well worth it. Since many older game teams are simply unknown
and under the banner of a company, it'd be fascinating to find out who
else was behind the scenes and why they worked there - not just because
of their sex mind you, but that'd be something definitely important to
keep in mind, because like it or not, it is a very male dominated area,
so those people stand out.

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