[game_preservation] SIG Roundtable

Henry Lowood lowood at stanford.edu
Fri Dec 2 12:30:38 EST 2011


What I'm getting from the responses, both on- and off-line:
There is strong interest among those attending GDC to have the Roundtable.
There is also interest among those NOT attending GDC to have access to it.

So, I will submit a proposal. I also promise to try to set up skype
inside Moscone--wish me luck. If anybody knows any tricks about wifi
there, let me know.
Finally, I will propose a W or Th meeting. I think meeting on M or Tu
is goofy, given that people are either in all-day workshops or not there
at all.


Henry Lowood
Curator for History of Science& Technology Collections;
Film& Media Collections
HRG, Green Library, 557 Escondido Mall
Stanford University Libraries, Stanford CA 94305-6004
650-723-4602; lowood at stanford.edu; http://www.stanford.edu/~lowood

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