[game_preservation] Atari Inc. - Business Is Fun

Martin Goldberg wgungfu at gmail.com
Tue Nov 27 20:47:03 EST 2012

Just wanted to toot my horn and let everyone know that after years of
research and the past year of intense writing, Atari Inc. - Business
is Fun is finally finished!


Covering the original Atari from it's days as Syzygy until it's fall
in 1984, we had unprecedented access to materials and cooperation from
ex-employees from all parts of the company (engineers, management,
marketing, even down to maintenance and security people).

As part of the process we also had large intake of materials donated
that we'll be preserving (under Curt's Atari Museum and my E2M),
besides the interviews we conducted.

Also, over the Summer I had arranged for Atari co-founder Ted Dabney
to come in to the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA and do
a video interview as part of their ongoing "Oral History" series. A
chance for tech industry luminaries to be recorded in their own words
and preserved for future generations. In this case on the early days
of Syzygy/Atari to join the ones that Nolan and Al had already done
for them. The transcription of that interview is now up.



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