[game_preservation] Outerlands

Christian Bartsch cb at softpres.org
Fri Feb 14 12:44:29 EST 2014

Well we're here... If anyone has any questions, they can contact me or István. We've just added about 3,000 C64 titles to the archive, completely pristine and unmodified. This has been a worldwide collaboration of enthusiasts and collectors with some titles (e.g. Space Taxi) unsealed for this very purpose...


sent from my mobile

> Am 14.02.2014 um 16:45 schrieb Devin Monnens <dmonnens at gmail.com>:


> Good to know! Hopefully they'll talk to Henry and JP and some of the other guys from the list (Game Preservation Society and Software Preservation Society?). I often feel when types of documentaries like this get done, they 'rediscover' some aspects of the field and ignore some of the major groups doing important work.



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