[JakeShows] Music livestreams today at 2 pm, Wednesday at 7 pm; plus, in person show news!

Jacob Haller music at jwgh.org
Sun Feb 19 11:22:42 EST 2023

Hi all,

I hope that you are making it through the winter well. Providence’s weather has been even more inconsistent than usual — weather in the high 60s one day, sleet the next. It was nice to be able to have my windows open for that one day though!

I’m planning a couple of music livestreams this week, one for this afternoon and one for Wednesday evening:

Today, Sun Feb 19, 2-3 pm US Eastern time - playing the guitar and singing at https://twitch.tv/jwghaller

Wed Feb 22, 7-8 pm US Eastern time- playing the piano and singing at https://twitch.tv/jwghaller

If people show up in the livestream chat and request songs, I may end up going longer, so the end times above are approximate!

Speaking of which: You can just click on the link and watch the streams and I hope you do! If you want to participate in the chat, request songs, etc. then you will need a twitch account. In that case, I put together a little web page to explain how to get one at http://music.jwgh.org/twitch.html .

Also: Breaking Actual In Person Live Show News! Chris Monti and I will be playing at the City Farm Plant Sale in Providence again this year:

WHEN: 10-11 am
WHERE: 172 W Clifford St, Providence, RI
Every year the Southside Community Land Trust has a fundraiser at the City Farm where they sell thousands of plant seedlings grown right in Providence. This year, the fundraiser is 10 am to 2 pm on Saturday May 14 and Sunday May 15. More information about it can be found at <https://www.southsideclt.org/rare-unusual-plant-sale/>.

They always have a bunch of musicians come and play, and this year Chris and I have been asked to play the 10-11 am slot on Saturday, under a giant tree behind the chicken coop!

I might also do a solo set, I’m not sure. If so, I’ll send updated information closer to the date of the show.

So long,
Jacob Haller
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