[LEAPSECS] The relation between calendars and leap seconds.

Peter Bunclark psb at ast.cam.ac.uk
Thu Nov 13 04:13:10 EST 2008

On Wed, 12 Nov 2008, John Cowan wrote:

> Peter Bunclark scripsit:


> > So would that mean that any USGOV owned and operated systems not running

> > NTP (Window boxes, for example), or those running NTP but are in the

> > middle of dealing with a leapsecond, are being illegally operated?


> Modern Windows boxes do indeed do NTP, or rather SNTP.

Yes, but only if you set them up, they sync once a day, if they're booted
at the scheduled time, and if they're not so firewalled they can't talk to
an NTP server. In between they free run, so at best the clock sawtooths.


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