[LEAPSECS] Reliability

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Thu Jan 1 20:07:56 EST 2009

Tony Finch wrote:

> On Thu, 1 Jan 2009, Rob Seaman wrote:



>> Mean solar time will outlast artificial clocks and the species that

>> built them by a factor of something like 5,000,000,000 to 50,000.


> Not really, because mean solar time is also artificial and can't exist

> without mechanical clocks and telescopes.

And I suppose the refrigerator light goes out when the door is
closed :-)

Once more from the top, mean solar time is just sidereal time offset
by a little bit to make up for the Earth lapping the Sun once a year.
Nowhere does humanity appear in the equation, just the Earth and Sun
and Stars.

Apparent solar time is derived from mean solar time, not the other way


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