[LEAPSECS] Caveat emptor!

Joseph S. Myers jsm at polyomino.org.uk
Tue Apr 12 05:59:26 EDT 2011

On Tue, 12 Apr 2011, Ian Batten wrote:

> I think it's messier than that. De facto UK time is UTC, as we've

> discussed, but the only source of de jure legal time now is MSF: it

> broadcasts UTC(NPL), but DUT1 is available in the payload (and that's

It broadcasts de facto UK clock time, UTC(NPL) in winter and UTC+1(NPL) in
summer, with a summer time bit but without any other indication of the UTC
offset. Any clock that thinks it is recovering UTC(NPL) from this signal
is probably assuming that winter time will always be UTC+0 and summer time
will always be UTC+1. What happens to the signal if the UK moves to
UTC+1/UTC+2 is documented


"In the event of UK civil time undergoing an additional permanent offset,
bit *58B will need to be changed once without any corresponding change in
UK clock time."

but a receiver would need to remember this information from the time of
the change, as the subsequent time signals would have no indication that
it had happened.

Joseph S. Myers
jsm at polyomino.org.uk

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