[LEAPSECS] Java: ThreeTen/JSR-310

Michael Sokolov msokolov at ivan.Harhan.ORG
Fri Jan 28 21:06:43 EST 2011

Stephen Colebourne <scolebourne at joda.org> wrote:

> If TAI claims a trademark or similar, then I will have to rename or

> clarify. BIPM has not been consulted.

The term I use is TAPF: Temps Atomique Pedant-Free. TAPF is officially
defined by its defining authority (me) to be identical with TAI in every
respect expect one: if any Time Lords tell you "thou shalt not use TAI",
that prohibition does NOT extend to TAPF, hence you are free to continue
using TAPF as you wish. In every other respect it is identical with TAI.


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