[LEAPSECS] 29 leaps in 3 years

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Sun May 1 10:25:58 EDT 2011

Steve Allen writes:

>> For a look at the bad old days, before coordination, see the plot of

>> WWV w.r.t. UT2 in figure 1 of http://tf.nist.gov/general/pdf/1681.pdf

>> Yes, that's 29 leaps in a span of 3 years.

Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:

> Yes, things were a lot easier in 1958: Only one satellite, less

> than 100 computers world wide and Edward Teller promised us that

> atomic bombs would dig another Panama Canal.

Atomic bombs? Really? That's your new argument? Not too long for Godwin, now...

...however, if we're now playing "Where's Teller?", try looking in a mirror. Stunningly blind technological suggestions are a tenth Krone a dozen.

> Could you elaborate any point you were trying to make, because I

> can surely not discern it...

Steve's point was clear. Clock adjustments were more frequent in the past; evidence that the CCIR recognized that atomic frequency standards and universal time clocks are two different phenomena.

Tom's point was clear. More frequent implies a smaller amplitude; timekeeping devices have improved.

The ITU's point is clear: "never" and "infinite amplitude". It is also clear that many of us don't consider this a reasonable way to dig the next Panama Canal of precision timekeeping.

Your point is clear. Delay public discussion until the result is moot.


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