[LEAPSECS] Germany supports UTC as we know it

Michael Deckers michael.deckers at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 17 12:41:29 EST 2012

For those who read German:

"Und auch Deutschland wird nach Auskunft des
Bundeswirtschaftsministeriums, wo die deutsche
Position bestimmt wird, für den Erhalt der UTC
und der Schaltsekunde plädieren, wenn es zur
Abstimmung kommt."

(And Germany will also plead for the preservation
of UTC and the leap second, if there is a vote,
according to information from the federal ministry
of economy which decides the German position.)

Full story at [http://www.faz.net/-gqz-6wtrw].

Interestingly, Andreas Bauch, a chief scientist
at the German metrology institute, PTB, is quoted
as being in favor of a continuous civil time
without leaps, but not under the name UTC.

Michael Deckers.

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