Hal Murray hmurray at megapathdsl.net
Mon Mar 19 17:00:21 EDT 2018

Gary said:
> It would be simple to mod an NTP client to download and apply that
> correction.  No need for a new protocol.

The question is how many users are there.  If there are only a few, then they 
should all just download the official IERS version or one of the clones.

If there are enough users so that the downloads would be a serious load, then 
a lightweight protocol like NTP makes sense.  But NTP isn't very accurate 
unless there is a good network connection which usually means close 
geographically.  Thus, if you want good UT1, you either need lots of servers 
so most users can find one nearby or we need a new protocol that just 
distributes the offset.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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