
Anton J Aylward aja at
Tue May 2 13:31:24 EDT 2006

Is there any way to do macros in Markdown?
Or do you have any other suggestions?

I'm thinking of a few uses.
One is to read back system stuff that might be global or session settings.

Tell the user where they are coming from, time etc

You are %%USERNAME%%
Logged in at %%LOGINTIME%%

Your browser is %%HTTP{"User-Agent"}%%
You are accessing from %%REMOTE_ADDR%%:%%REMOTE_PORT%%

The time is now %%TIME(timezone=%%USER{%%TZ%%}%%, fmt="HH:MM:SS")%%

The HTTP is the hash of all headers
The USER is the hash of all user parameters ... name timezone etc ...
You get the idea ...

I have support for 'twisies' in javascript but want to activate them
in the page body

a) Show/hide information

Lead in text
%TWISTYSHOW{id="sectionone" mode="div"
link=" <input type=\"button\" value=\"Click here to view\">"
%%TWISTYHIDE{id="sectionone" mode="div"
link=" <input type=\"button\" value=\"Click here to hide\">"
%TWISTYTOGGLE{id="sectionone" mode="div"}%

Text here gets toggled


Expands to ..

<span id="sectiononeshow" class="twistyMakeOpaque">
<a href="#" class="twistyTrigger">
<span class="LinkLabel">
<input type="button" value="Click here to view">
</span></a></span> <span id="sectiononehide" class="twistyTransparent
<a href="#" class="twistyTrigger">
<span class="LinkLabel">
<input type="button" value="Click here to hide">
<p />
<div id="sectioonetoggle" class="twistyMakeHidden">

Text here gets toggled

A null "hide" button just unfurls the hidden text.
The "id" is so you can stack/nest them.

Suggestions? Ideas?


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