svg as a spescial case for image
Aslak Raanes
aslakr at
Mon May 28 11:18:22 EDT 2007
SVG starts to become more useful in browsers like Firefox, OmniWeb,
Opera and soon Safari. There is a couple problem. Since no browser
support svg embedded with img one need to fall back to html from:
<object data="/path/to/img.svg" type="image/svg+xml"
width="512" height="384">Alt text</object>
Second, one need to write the width and height for most cases of svg to
make them scale correctly. (This, I think can be considered to be a bug
in some of the current browser implementations)
Making object as a specielt case for svg-images would be nice, but one
probably need some way to set the size of the image to make it practical.
I didn't find if this has been discussed in the archive before, but how
about adding size in the syntax. I.e. in addition to:

One could write:

[id]: /path/to/img.svg "Optional title attribute" 512x384
Aslak Raanes
<> <xmpp:aslakr at>
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