RFC: Markdown Table Syntax

Yuri Takhteyev qaramazov at gmail.com
Fri Feb 27 02:22:29 EST 2009

> Now, given that cell continuation using colons relies on that proper

> alignment with a monospace font feature (or else you risk mistaking colons

> in the text for column separators), I don't find that syntax very

> satisfying.

Why not have two different kinds of table: one where each line is a
row, and one where rows are show explicitly with dashes. The second
type could use ===== or something else after the header:

id | name | description | price
1 | gizmo | Takes care of the doohickies | 1.99
10 | dojigger | Handles: | 102.98
| | * gizmos |
| | * doodads |
| | * thingamobobs |

Would mean: a header and two rows.

- yuri


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