CodeDown = Markdown as the universal language for program documentation

bucephalus org at
Tue Apr 12 08:01:25 EDT 2011

Hi Tommy!

> I just must say that I have tried Fletcher Penneys version of multi

> markdown recently.

The 3.x version seems to me to be very suitable for the task of converting

> to LaTeX,

> which is slightly more complicated than converting to HTML.


Wow! I didn't know MultiMarkdown, but that is a great hint. Looks very
promising and capable. Thank you!

The Markdown entry on Wikipedia
doesn't point to
yet. But it probably should.

> I have tried pandoc, but I find it far more easier to work with

> multimarkdown.


> You should consider trying it.


I use Pandoc for my HaskellDown, because it is a Haskell library. It also
is very powerful and impressive, and in my limited experience, I found it
very stable and more reliable than e.g. PHP Markdown. Actually, I don't
apply any of its nice features (like automatic toc generation) at all in the
default markdownToHaskell converter, I just use all the Pandoc default
settings, for the sake of simplicity. But I agree, Tommy, I, too, didn't
find Pandoc itself easily accessible.

Thank you, again.
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