Markdown Lint - Markdown Style / Rules Checker - Book Edition (in Manuscripts)

Gerald Bauer gerald.bauer at
Sun Mar 6 11:29:24 EST 2016


   Anyone using a lint tool or style / rules checker for Markdown?

   I've converted the markdownlint tool documentation by Mark Harrison
into a single-page black-n-white book (using the Manuscripts format
and conventions).

   The rules include:

  - 001 - Header levels should only increment by one level at a time
  - 002 - First header should be a h1 header
  - 003 - Header style
  - 004 - Unordered list style
  - 005 - Inconsistent indentation for list items at the same level
  - 006 - Consider starting bulleted lists at the beginning of the line
  - 007 - Unordered list indentation
  - 009 - Trailing spaces
  - 010 - Hard tabs
  - 011 - Reversed link syntax
  - 012 - Multiple consecutive blank lines
  - 013 - Line length
  - 014 - Dollar signs used before commands without showing output
  - 018 - No space after hash on atx style header
  - 019 - Multiple spaces after hash on atx style header
  - 020 - No space inside hashes on closed atx style header
  - 021 - Multiple spaces inside hashes on closed atx style header
  - 022 - Headers should be surrounded by blank lines
  - 023 - Headers must start at the beginning of the line
  - 024 - Multiple headers with the same content
  - 025 - Multiple top level headers in the same document
  - 026 - Trailing punctuation in header
  - 027 - Multiple spaces after blockquote symbol
  - 028 - Blank line inside blockquote
  - 029 - Ordered list item prefix
  - 030 - Spaces after list markers
  - 031 - Fenced code blocks should be surrounded by blank lines
  - 032 - Lists should be surrounded by blank lines
  - 033 - Inline HTML
  - 034 - Bare URL used
  - 035 - Horizontal rule style
  - 036 - Emphasis used instead of a header
  - 037 - Spaces inside emphasis markers
  - 038 - Spaces inside code span elements
  - 039 - Spaces inside link text
  - 040 - Fenced code blocks should have a language specified
  - 041 - First line in file should be a top level header

   Read more @

   Questions? Comments? Welcome. Cheers.

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