N&W in 1912--Improvements at Graham

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Fri Feb 17 21:11:57 EST 2012

Bluefield Daily Telegraph
Thu., March 28, 1912

Officials Discuss Plan With the Progressive League
The Norfolk and Western Railway officials were at Graham Tuesday to take up the subject of the correspondence with the Progressive League in reference to railroad improvements at Graham. The whole railroad from the Bluestone river to the Graham Grocery Co. warehouses was gone over, foot by foot, and a general plan of railroad improvement was discussed. The suggestions of the league, which were invited by Mr. Becker; superintendent of the Pocahontas and Clinch Valley divisions of the Norfolk and Western, presented to him by the secretary and chairman of the executive committee of the Graham Progressive League, covered the underground crossings, sodding and fencing or walling the railroad banks, warehouse for supplies at the junction, removal of the cattle pens from the station to another point, putting in two short sidings at the freight depot instead of the present long one so there could be made a proper approach to the passenger station and the pile of cinders, used as deadhead between the street and the station, removed, paving and curbing the station platforms, paving the freight yard, a covered entrance to the station for carriages and automobiles so that passengers can enter and leave vehicles under cover by a paved approach from the street around a grass plot with a flower bed in the center, and a general cleaning and painting of buildings and grading and sodding and paving of railroad property through Graham. Mr. Becker, received all the above suggestions invited by him, with courteous consideration, and as the vice president and general manager of the Norfolk and Western Railway Company wrote the secretary of the Graham Progressive League, the railroad company "is glad.to see there is a movement at Graham for civic improvement and will do its full share and join in this spirit as fast as they can." It is up to all others at Graham to do all they can for civic improvements in the same prompt spirit. Every one can increase his business, the value of his property and the comfort of his family and his pride and pleasure. In the town, which should be the most attractive in this section, so favored by nature and so quickly developed, all around us, by energetic!c work.
Gordon Hamilton

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