VGN papers

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Fri Feb 7 13:40:27 EST 2014

>Where was Mr. Page getting his funding from at this time?? I understand his papers are at North Carolina University or at one of the other two schools in that area?? Has anyone gotten into those?




>Al Kresse

The Page papers at UNC are all devoted to his work prior to Deepwater. Those at UVA have considerable Deepwater involvement. The financing for the building of the Deepwater/Tidewater/Virginian scheme were for the most part either the personal funds or the credit of Henry Huddleston Rogers, Numer 2 or 3 man at John D. Rockerfellers Standard Oil.

There is a lot of writing on the "Virginian Creation Myth", most of it originating with H. Reid's seminal work on the Virginian written in 1960. Sadly Mr Reid was pressed with schedule deadlines and did not do all his homework. Though his creation outline is fundamentally sound the details in his narrative are silly. Many VGN writers afterwords parroted his narrative. Over time a number of new sources of original material have come to light concerning the birth of the Virginian.

That story is much more interesting than Mr Reid's account.

There will be a clinic at the June NWHS convention about this subject and possible a book from the Society in the near future.

Tom Salmon

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