O and O

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at nwhs.org
Thu Jan 9 13:58:54 EST 2025


Sunset under their 3rd Rail brand produced the M in brass in O scale (both 2 and 3 rail in 2012/13). I own one. They can be found on the secondary market occasionally. 

By the way the M was only produced do to the interest and lobbying if the former owner (late Joe Giannovario) of O Scale Trains and other members of the historical society. It was not an instant sell out. 


Tom – Wow – how did I miss know about the class M.  Now I’ve got to monitor Ebay and others  and look for one.  Anyone know of one sitting on a shelf and offered for sale?


Re – a reasonable and economically rational project for the society – I agree a station would be an option.  But I have some reservations.  My layout is at the stage where the stations are in place so I would not be in the market for one.  Many years ago, the society did produce an HO version of the VGN maintenance shed – was that by Laser Art or some company with a similar name.  I asked if they would produce an O version and I agreed to purchase the entire run and resell them at cost.  Got 14; have one on my layout; gave one to a local friend; sold the other 12.  But that company is now gone.  The firm making the VGN station that was recently offered in HO at the commissary would not entertain an O version when I asked.  


Michael Ross

Ft Worth, TX

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