[om-list] System Design

Luke Call lacall at onemodel.org
Wed Nov 1 08:59:23 EST 2000


I have been thinking about this some more, and have to rush off to work, 
but here is some thinking aloud.

You mentioned the many mathematical rules one would want to store and 
utilize in our system, and how a pure  OO Model would do it, and I 
replied something about constraints and rules inside objects. But that 
was an inadequate answer. It does seem like we need a body of such rules 
somewhere--how would objects in a simulation know which one to use at a 
given time? Or, how would a system where knowledge is represented 
strictly by logical statements do a simulation, how would it relate one 
piece of information to another (I guess that's where you were headed 
with namespace?), and do such simulations in a way where load time and 
object traversal / query performance are reasonable?

Would the system load all these logical statments into objects & run it 
from there? It sounds cumbersome but maybe I'm not visualizing it the 
way you are.

This is going to require some study/thought.

I would also like to further compare our respective suggestions in light 
of the 5 roles of knowledge representation schemes that your earlier 
link referenced, and think more about how it all fits together....

More later,

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