[om-list] Web Page on Frege

Luke Call lacall at onemodel.org
Thu Nov 2 09:01:39 EST 2000

Mark Butler wrote:
 > I thought this was an interesting web page about Gottlob Frege, one 
of the
 > founders of modern logic.  I thought the section on sense and 
denotation was
 > particularly interesting, as it parallels whether were merely store 
 > between objects or the original sense that they were expressed in as 
 > See  http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/frege/

This was interesting.

I think that if the goal is to store "truth" as a general rule, then we 
get from a sentence like "john believes mark twain wrote huckleberry 
finn" that John believes that. That may be reflected by the context or 
subset of the model which reflects John's beliefs. If john doesn't know 
about Samuel Clemens, then we don't even deal with whether "John 
believes samuel clemens wrote huckleberry finn" in that context, because 
Samuel Clemens doesn't exist. But in the model which reflects a larger 
context, knowing about Samuel Clemens, then we can accurately say "John 
believes samuel clemens wrote huckleberry finn", because the model knows 
those two names refer to the same author. And if anyone gets confused 
they can see in the model that the two names refer to the same individual.

If the goal of an individual modeler is to store the original sense 
only, couldn't that be done by limiting the scope to the context of 
John's knowledge, as above? So relations between objects seem to handle 
the situation fine.

Again, I may be totally misunderstanding something here; hopefully 
you'll continue to point that out when needed. Thanks again.


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