[om-list] Object Oriented Databases

Mark Butler butlerm at middle.net
Mon May 7 13:46:18 EDT 2001

I was reading a feature on Slashdot today about object oriented database
systems and ran across references to three open source implementations that
are worth consideration:  Ozone, Zope, FramerD, and XL2.

Ozone and XL2 are persistent Java object storage enivironments - Of the two
Ozone seems much more mature.  

Zope is more a Python web application development environment than a database,
but it does have one in there.

FramerD seems the most interesting to me, largely because it was designed for
use in advanced AI / knowledge representation applications.

Slashdot article (with additional links):


Framer D site / paper:



- Mark

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