[om-list] other links

Luke Call lacall at onemodel.org
Mon Sep 2 07:21:06 EDT 2002

MrM0j0r15n Rajeev the kanehbosm wrote:
> 1) Facet-based organizations of knowledge
> - http://ella.slis.indiana.edu./~klabarre/unrev_facet.html

Interesting stuff, seems useful, but I think perhaps not to OM at this 
time. It relies on text, and preassigned textual attributes (or heavy 
thesaurus use?). Sounds like this could break down when you want to use 
the same dataset with a different human language, because the text is 
the information, fundamentally. I believe instead that we want to build 
models to represent information by measurements and other properties 
(there will necessarily be some text, but I'd like to eventually move 
that into a context layer which can vary by reader's language, time, 
place, etc.) 	where such real-world or mental relationships are built in 
via pointers or object IDs. I drive by a field and I don't search for 
fields by size or location (though that might be a cool thing to add 
sometime), but I relate my location to the field's location (which may 
turn out to be a search anyway I s'pose), and there can link to its 
owner, history, zoning, crops, thence to botanical info, etc., because 
they are linked. Haven't done it yet, but that's the dream. Just like 
our minds seem to do it--by relating things naturally.

> 2) AROM Object Knowledge base package in Java
> - http://www.inrialpes.fr/romans/arom/index.html
> ( i downloaded the package. unfortunately the documentation supplied was 
> in french. does anyone know of web-based translation service, to 
> translate user-supplied docs ?)

They seem to use many of the same words to talk about it, so it sounds 
interesting. I am uneasy with their license (to improve it, you have to 
assign copyright to them? commercial use requiring separate agreement). 
  Too bad they don't provide a way (yet?) to try it out on their web 
site. :)

Tom & Mark may have more thoughts....

Thanks for thinking & discussing & sharing.


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