[om-list] other links

Thomas L. Packer at home ThomasAndMegan at Middle.Net
Sat Sep 14 09:22:00 EDT 2002

Om People

    Response to old letter:

    Facets ... yes.  This is a very good idea.  I love facets.  I didn't
know that that was what they were called.  I made up the term "complex
hierarchy" to describe what I think is the same structure.

    I was just starting to experiment with a very crude "facet" organisation
structure when school started.  I wanted to put my URL list (on my ontolog
web page) into a better format for viewing.  My first inclination was to
make two pains, one with a tree view (where a folder or leaf-node could be
placed into more than one branch of the tree), and the other with a flat
view of all leaves under the current tree node, sorted by their relevance to
the given tree node.  But that tree view was beyond my web-page coding

    So then I went with a simpler idea: When the user clicks on a term in
the left pane (the "tree" pane), instead of opening up a tree-graph it would
simply redraw the whole pane using a list which represented all the fuzzy
sub-nodes of the node clicked on.  I was going to use XML, XSL, and a tiny
bit of PHP.  I was so close.  If I can do two things: (1) get a few hours to
work on it, and (2) persuade Mark to install Sablotron, I think I can show
you guys what I'm talking about.


Víðar sum quem nihil obstat.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Luke Call" <lacall at onemodel.org>
To: <om-list at onemodel.org>
Sent: Monday, 02 September, 2002 05:21
Subject: Re: [om-list] other links

> MrM0j0r15n Rajeev the kanehbosm wrote:
> > 1) Facet-based organizations of knowledge
> > - http://ella.slis.indiana.edu./~klabarre/unrev_facet.html
> Interesting stuff, seems useful, but I think perhaps not to OM at this
> time. It relies on text, and preassigned textual attributes (or heavy
> thesaurus use?). Sounds like this could break down when you want to use
> the same dataset with a different human language, because the text is
> the information, fundamentally. I believe instead that we want to build
> models to represent information by measurements and other properties
> (there will necessarily be some text, but I'd like to eventually move
> that into a context layer which can vary by reader's language, time,
> place, etc.) where such real-world or mental relationships are built in
> via pointers or object IDs. I drive by a field and I don't search for
> fields by size or location (though that might be a cool thing to add
> sometime), but I relate my location to the field's location (which may
> turn out to be a search anyway I s'pose), and there can link to its
> owner, history, zoning, crops, thence to botanical info, etc., because
> they are linked. Haven't done it yet, but that's the dream. Just like
> our minds seem to do it--by relating things naturally.
> > 2) AROM Object Knowledge base package in Java
> > - http://www.inrialpes.fr/romans/arom/index.html
> > ( i downloaded the package. unfortunately the documentation supplied was
> > in french. does anyone know of web-based translation service, to
> > translate user-supplied docs ?)
> They seem to use many of the same words to talk about it, so it sounds
> interesting. I am uneasy with their license (to improve it, you have to
> assign copyright to them? commercial use requiring separate agreement).
>   Too bad they don't provide a way (yet?) to try it out on their web
> site. :)
> Tom & Mark may have more thoughts....
> Thanks for thinking & discussing & sharing.
> -Luke
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