[om-list] OM version 0.01

Thomas L. Packer at home ThomasAndMegan at Middle.Net
Sat May 3 09:13:05 EDT 2003



Víðar sum quem nihil obstat.
Omnia apud me Mathesis fiunt.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Luke Call" <lacall at onemodel.org>
To: <om-list at onemodel.org>
Sent: Saturday, 03 May, 2003 04:02
Subject: [om-list] OM version 0.01

I have posted some initial code I have been working on. It is not useful
for anything yet, but gives you some idea of my current approach:

All it does is illustrate how I'm using postgresql, lets you create
entities and add quantity (numeric) and text attributes. No delete or
edit. A minimalist text interface; needs work.

Major things it needs next are support for relationships, basic
edit, delete features, a locally-installable DB (easier for a non-tech
user than postgresql), a good demo dataset, and a GUI. I'm looking at
Protege and the OKBC toolkit (as per Mark's suggestion of some time
ago). There are many more things to do, prominently for
integrating/sharing/distributing models.

I've also changed our requirements list from using asterisks for
collabsible outline demarkation to using spaces (indentation). It's
probably easier to read that way for non-emacs users (and jedit can
handle the collapsible outlines just the same).

I have made some web site changes too, especially under the last link
from the homepage (http://www.onemodel.org/devel/index.html). Feel free
to send any questions.

I won't be disappointed if no one looks too closely at this release
because it really does need some things before it's useful. Feedback
solicited and welcome as always. I may have forgotten some things we
discussed and agreed on, or decided to defer them; feel free to remind.


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